
AwarePrivacy's "Privacy Essentials" has been approved by the IAPP and is certified for 1 CPE point per annum.

Accessible 24/7

Accessible 24/7

Training should be concise, focused and accessible. APIMS Privacy Essentials training is available 24/7, takes just 30 minutes and focuses on driving the behaviours that enhance compliance and reduce risk.

Easy to Understand

Easy to Understand

You don’t need to be a GDPR expert to be compliant. Our training avoids legal jargon, focusing on principles that everyone understands, raising awareness of risks and providing practical security tips.

Practical Takeaways

Practical Takeaways

Privacy Essentials ends with a short, carefully designed test, a certificate and a Privacy Principles download in A4 poster format to help your team keep Privacy front-of-mind throughout the year.

What is “Privacy” or “Data Protection”?

What is “Privacy” or “Data Protection”?

Key Privacy terms are explained in everyday language. Legal terms such as “personal data” and “special categories of data” are explained but less legalistic terms such as “Personal Information” and “Sensitive Personal Information” are more relatable.

Why is Privacy important?

Why is Privacy important?

This lays the foundation for you to build a positive Privacy culture. By asking the learner to think about their own and their family’s Privacy and Personal Information, it engages their innate desire to do the right thing to make them more protective.

The Privacy Principles

The Privacy Principles

The principles on which the whole of the GDPR is based are explained in everyday language, focusing on the two that are the most relevant to all employees day-to-day, and the most effective in developing the foundation of a positive Privacy culture.

What if we get it wrong?

What if we get it wrong?

A objective here is to raise awareness that breaches have real-life consequences for real people. Often it’s little more than irritation but occasionally it can be catastrophic. The message is that we all have a moral responsibility when we handle people’s Personal Information.

Incidents and Breaches

Incidents and Breaches

It is accepted that accidents happen, and we all make mistakes, but this is balanced with a responsibility to report incidents. A positive Privacy culture reduces the risk that employees will fail to report incidents for fear of punishment, so you can respond quickly to minimise the harm.



The areas covered are summarised and the learner is asked to download and read the Privacy Principles Summary, a concise, plain-English PDF in A4 poster format explaining each of the seven principles, before taking a short test with a certificate for those achieving the pass mark.